Statuspage Database Maintenance

Scheduled Maintenance Report for Atlassian Statuspage


The scheduled maintenance has been completed, We are seeing elevated errors while accessing web portal, api and status pages. We will raise an incident soon and provide further updates there.
Posted Oct 27, 2023 - 23:48 PDT


Verification is currently underway for the maintenance items.
Posted Oct 27, 2023 - 22:41 PDT

In progress

Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Oct 27, 2023 - 22:00 PDT


As part of our commitment to provide exceptional service and reliability to our customers, Statuspage will be conducting service maintenance on the mentioned date and time.
Our team will be taking all appropriate actions to minimize service interruptions during this event.

Purpose: This maintenance is to ensure and maintain system performance and stability.

Duration: All maintenance will be performed within the 1-hour maintenance window.

What to expect: During the maintenance window, we expect a ten-minute downtime where customers would not be able to log in to, Statuspage APIs will not be available
and system metrics will be updated post the maintenance activity. Customers' public Statuspages will be served using cached pages on a best effort basis during this maintenance window. Private Statuspages will not be accessible during this period.

We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during this time period.
Posted Sep 29, 2023 - 00:51 PDT
This scheduled maintenance affected: Hosted Pages (HTTP Pages, HTTPS Pages, Status Embed Widget, Public API, Shortlinks, SMS Subscription), Authentication (Admin User+Pass, Admin Google Auth, Admin SAML 2.0, Page Access Users, Page Google Auth, Page SAML 2.0, Page IP Restriction), Management (Web Portal, Authenticated API, DNS Validation, SSL Provisioning, Billing), Third Party Components (Statuspage, External), Automation (Pingdom Email, New Relic Email, Generic Email, PagerDuty Webhook, Jira Software Integration), Notifications (Email, SMS, Webhook, Twitter), System Metrics (Pingdom Integration, Librato Integration, New Relic Integration, Datadog Integration, Custom Integration), Chat Integrations (Slack), and Signup.